
Design with Architectural Elements
AdvancedBuilt Environment


Architecture – the art and science of designing and erecting buildings – affects our lives more than any other type of art. Many of the architectural elements that we find in our cities today come from building traditions that are over 1,000 years old. The task of printing a structure that includes one or more architectural elements can awaken children’s interest in architecture, history and mythology.

Orvieto, Italy, photo courtesy of Diane Harr

Line print by Kevin, age 7


An Abbreviated History of Architecture

Spark interest in architecture by sharing an abbreviated history. We are fortunate that so many examples from the ancient world are still standing today. We can also see and learn more about them on the internet!


Watch a teacher motivate and demonstrate designing and printing a building with two architectural elements.


Share & Reflect

Learning about the above iconic structures always seems to inspire a few students to want to recreate them. In the end, the printed structure may not resemble the original structure – and that does not matter! What matters is that the beauty and history of these iconic structures gave students a concrete place to begin creating their own buildings.

Variations & Extensions
